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Welcome to! The place where you will add value to your minds via our resource-rich and informative content. Let’s go on an adventure!

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Oaekpost—We add value to minds! Photograph: Adobe Stock Photography

Welcome to! We are excited to make our debut in the world! Oaekpost, LLC.  is a U.S.-based online media company and the parent organization of Oaekpost is a proprietary multi-niche global news, entertainment, and lifestyle media platform for sharing compelling resource-rich content to add value to minds.

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.” — Jim Morrison.

Our motto is the Latin phrase that we have coined, “Addit valorem ad animis.” This Latin phrase means, “Adding Value to Minds.” We are here to add value to the minds of our readers via our resource-rich and informative content. Please feed your mind with the content on our site so that you can expand your thinking and grow your knowledge base. So, join us on this exploratory journey and begin to feed your mind with exclusives from our different niches of resource-rich content.

Our Mission

Educate Your Mind—Feed it on

Our Mission at Oaekpost is to inform the minds of our readers and followers through our resource-rich, thought-provoking, and value-adding targeted content and opinions through our News, Lifestyle, and Entertainment categories and sub-categories.

Our Mission is to reach a multigenerational audience with a principal demographic focus being Generations X, Y, Z. Our goal is to engage the minds of all our readers, particularly in these generations, by providing an alcove in the deluge and age of information overload for a value-added reading experience.   

Our Mission is to trigger an ongoing dialogue in our readers’ subconscious as we discuss, debate and exchange ideas related to our resource-rich, knowledge-provoking, and value-adding targeted content and opinions. 

Our Mission is not to always report stories as it breaks per se but to offer our insightful opinion editorials on the various trends and happenings in the society. Our goal is to provide views through the categories that we offer. Our goal is to provide knowledge-rich content and position ourselves as a go-to niche for insight and enlightenment.

Site Navigation

Mega Menu—Oaekpost Navigation Compass

To navigate through the site, you can use our “Side-Bar Menu” button on the top left-hand corner of the homepage and all other pages of our website. Our Side-Bar Menu comprises the following buttons: Home, News, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Projects, Editor’s Corner, About, Meet the Team, Join the Team, Contact, and Shop. We will now take a broader look at each of our Side-Bar Menu components to give us a better insight on how to navigate through our website—

First, check out our Major Categories and Sub-Categories. Our three broad categories are News, Lifestyle, and Entertainment. The News sub-categories are—Business, Education, Legal, Politics, Sustainability, and Science & Technology. The Lifestyle sub-categories are—Career, Cuisine, Good News, Health & Fitness, Home & Living, Leadership, Motivation, Parenting, People, Philosophy, Psychology, Relationships, and Travel & Places. The Entertainment sub-categories are—Architecture & Interiors, Art, Auto-Motion, Books, Comedy, Culture, Style & Fashion, Gen Z Niche, Movies, Music & Dance, Poetry, Sports, and Story Spot. We have a vast array to learn from via our rich multi-niche platform.

A vast array of categories to consider—trust me, you can’t beat the reach!

Clicking each major category in our Side-Bar Menu takes you to its landing page, where you experience the mottled aggregation of all the articles in these areas. It evokes an organic angle for our reader’s pleasure. It encourages our readers to dwell on various topics in various fields. It encourages readers to go on a discovery adventure.   

Second, check out our Editor’s Corner. This corner provides an opportunity to get into the mind of the Editor-In-Chief via this niche. From time to time, our Editor-In-Chief (EIC), Ogbonnaya Agom-Eze, and other leading editors at Oaekpost (e.g., Operating Editors and Executive Editors) will share thoughts, literary analysis, and commentary for deeper insight into the local and global stories that are shaping our world. So, be sure to engage our EIC and other Operating and Executive Editors via the Editor’s Corner. However, before we continue our Side-Bar Menu’s dissection, meet Oaekpost’s futuristic mascot, Mr. Onicha Yumidomi. From time to time, we will also read a line or two from him on as he shares his opinions and thoughts on various issues with us. To visit the Editor’s Corner, Click Here.

Oaekpost Mascot—Mr. Onicha Yumidomi

Thirdly, is the Special Projects corner of our website. Here, we will see various philanthropic projects that Oaekpost is involved in—fully or partially. Via our non-governmental organizational efforts, Oaekpost will support various causes to impact organizations globally positively. Here at Oaekpost, we are all about adding value to the mind, and through this partnership and more to come, we believe we are supporting a global social cause to add value to humanity.  Check out our special projects page for more on our efforts to help humanity. To visit the Special Project Corner, Click Here.

Fourth, be sure to check out our unique offerings through our E-Commerce Shop.  Our secure shop and selling platform comprise five major categories of products that we will be selling. First, we will be selling Posters with motivational quotations and custom art and typography. Second, we will also be selling books and eBooks (i.e., Non-Fiction and Fiction). Third, we will also sell Custom Writing Journals with an African twist like no other in our shop offering. Fourth, we will also be selling custom print Tee Shirts with custom artwork and elegant typographic designs. Fifth, through our shop platform, we will also be selling various advertisement offerings on our website. Our unique shop offerings will make excellent gift items and for your personal collection. You will be amazed at our unique offerings, so shop with us today. To visit Oaekpost Shop, Click Here.

Shop with us on today!

Finally, Other aspects of our Side-Bar Menu that may pique your interest are: About, Meet the Team, Join the Team, and our Contact Page. Learn about the Mission Statement of Oaekpost by reading our About Us page. To do so, Click Here. Do you want to find out more about the Founders of Oaekpost or wish to meet our Guest Contributors, Click Here. Finally, do you have a question about our organization, use our Contact Page to reach out to our Customer Service Teams. To use our Contact Form, Click Here.

Advertise with Us

Tap into our high traffic—Advertise with us today!

On our website, we have dedicated slider banners on our homepage and our category inner pages. If you are a business or an individual with a product and would like to take advantage of our high website, be sure to check out our advertisement page to see the various ways you could advertise your company or product on For more on advertising with us at Oaekpost, Click Here to learn more.

Join the Team

Become a Guest Contributor on Oaekpost!

Are you a freelance writer or blogger looking for an avenue to share your work with the world? Are you an established writer or blogger and want to be a Guest Writer on our website?  Join the team today. Whatever kind of writer you are and would like to showcase your work to our active community of followers, contact us today. Let us know what kind of writer you are and why you would like to feature your work on our website. Our staff will respond to you with a detailed guideline of our requirements. Click here to join the Team. (NB. As we grow and expand, this is where we will be posting any current job openings that we may have for Oaekpost, LLC).

Social Media Handles

Follow us on Social Media!

Be sure to follow us on social media at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Please spread the word and be part of our community!

Contact Us

Reach out to us—We are at your service!

Do you wish to contact us for any of the following reasons outlined in this section?  (a). To give us a scoop for one of our niches by sharing news tips, firsthand report, information, or photos about a news story to us. (b). To advertise on Oaekpost. (c). To write and contribute content as a guest writer on Oaekpost. (d). To obtain republishing rights for our original Oaekpost content. (e). To contact us to report a correction or a typo on our website. (f). To make a press inquiry about Oaekpost. (g). To inquire about something else.  (h). To invite our CEO to speak at your event. Click on Contact Us.

Read in Your Own Language

You can read in your own language!

Thanks to automation, you can read our articles on Oaekpost in your own language. The website translates in about 125+ languages. We have made it easy for you to read our work in the comfort of your own language. So, do well to enjoy our site in your language! The translator is on the top right-hand side of the page! Just scroll down to your language of choice—select—and the whole site is translated into the language of your choice. That is the beauty of technology—you can read in your own language.


We appreciate your visit here! Come back always!

Friends, we want to welcome you once again to, where we add value to minds through our resource-rich content. As you navigate these pages and digest the contents that we must share, please feel free to make comments and join the articles’ dialogue. However, as stated in our “Terms of Use,” please be sure to be respectful of others as you interact in the comment section. We will not allow hateful and incendiary comments against other guests, and the staff at Oaekpost will quickly shut down all such comments.

“Learning never exhausts the mind.” — Leonardo da Vinci.

Finally, if you like the articles you are reading, be sure to also share and re-share them via the social media handles you are part of. Once again, be sure to also follow our pages via our social media handles on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. We will be glad if you share the news about our website on your various social media platforms. Thank you for being part of the Oaekpost community. Stay with us, remain with us, shine with us!

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Ogbonnaya Agom-Eze is an entrepreneur and the Founder, CEO, Editor-In-Chief of Oaekpost, LLC, a U.S.-based online media company and the parent organization of He is a multi-niche writer with a wide range of interests in various genres. Agom-Eze is based in the Greater Seattle Area, Washington, and can be reached at

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Editor's Corner

What’s Going On Under the Oaekpost Hiatus Hood?

What’s happening under the Oaekpost hood? We have been on hiatus, soul-searching, and forging our way forward. To find out more about what has been happening at Oaekpost, please read all about it!

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Photo Credit: Adobe Stock Photography

Hello Oaekpost World! It’s been a while since our last post on Oaekpost. We have been on a hiatus for a time, which was not deliberate. Despite not posting any new articles for a bit, a lot has been going on under the Oaekpost hood. There are many places you could be right now reading content; however, you choose to be here. Your loyalty to following us is what gives us our web presence. Hence, we appreciate everyone who comes to our platform to read the different content we share. 

“Building and planning must not be my bane. Continuous execution must become the trust that continues to boost this rocket to the frontiers of our projected goals.” — Ogbonnaya Agom-Eze.

What has been going on at Oaekpost? As the Founder and Editor-in-Chief, I have been doing a lot of soul-searching on how to scale up Oaekpost. My subconscious is under a Blitzkrieg of sundry questions on making the platform sustainable from a content-development standpoint. We are asking ourselves how to produce better content that appeals to our followers. Who will be on our team to deliver high-quality stories for your delight? How do we make Oaekpost profitable to sustain itself as it grows bigger by the day? How do we remain seamless in fixing any bugs and distortions to our platform programs 24-7? How do we secure funding to scale? These are all the birth pangs of the entrepreneur.

Rocket to the frontiers of our projected goals.

The truth is that I can keep pondering, planning, and developing strategies—that is the perfectionist nature that gets the best of me. However, I have learned that “I don’t have to have every piece of the puzzle set before I can operate. I don’t have to have it all together before progressing forward. The bottom line is that I must keep moving onward as I figure out the pieces of this massive puzzle called Oaekpost.” Building and planning must not be my bane. Continuous execution must become the trust that continues to boost this rocket to the frontiers of our projected goals.

Folks, I can’t deny that it gets weighty and hard sometimes to continue steering the Oaekpost Ship. Now, I wear a lot of hats. I am the Editor-in-Chief. I am the junior editor, the senior editor, the graphic designer, the Marketer, the social media evangelist, the Customer Service person, the Human Resource Coordinator, the Sole financier, etc. I can say that “Atlas” has nothing on me with all these loads and more. I think he may have had it easy. But, hey, that is the life journey of any true entrepreneur sold to a dream, vision, and purpose. It is not easy, but the show must go on, and I will continue to have fun with all the weight and pressure, ceteris paribus.

“Atlas” has nothing on me with all these loads and more.

In addition to the Oaekpost expectations are the duties of work, family, some crazy writing goals, and other life processes coming my way. The life of the entrepreneur may seem to be never-ending. As you are building the business, you still must find a way of balancing your time to make sure that other aspects of your life don’t fall behind. As it stands, it all boils down to becoming super-efficient in time management. Time does not wait for anyone. If you don’t master time and apportion it accordingly, then prepare to lose it to the heinous fiend of procrastination. 

Well, in the past couple of months that we have been on hiatus, we took the liberty to launch our Oaekpost YouTube arm of our organization. Our goal is to explore various video-creating options to increase the content on our platform. I visited Nigeria and did some exciting interviews to kick off the process. Please visit our YouTube page and be sure to tell us what you think by commenting on our YouTube videos. Please, also take the liberty to subscribe and hit the notification button so that we can inform you when our new videos roll out.    

We are working hard under the Oaekpost hood.

Distilling through the various questions running through my mind, I can clearly say that new things are about to start happening under the Oaekpost hood. First, there is restructuring in our content development and delivery. Second, we will be restructuring our staff. As it stands, we will need a Senior Editor to join our team to ensure that we remain at the same level of releasing high-quality content. As a third goal, we hope to provide 24-hour technical support. Fourth, we hope to restructure our social media engagement. Fifth, we hope to restructure our online shop as we seek to streamline our offerings. (N.B. Shopping with us provides us with the necessary funding to keep our operations going. So, please, do check out our Shop.

I want to give a major shout-out to Mr. Hawk Hensley. Mr. Hensley took a keen interest in our organization and had been supporting us in more ways than one, with ideas and all. He has been very persistent in pushing me to release the much-needed content to revive the content publishing on our platform. In his word, “O.G.B., where is the article? You need to let the world know that Oaekpost is not dead! Let them know what is happening!” His persistence and consistency paid off, and I am glad he believes in Oaekpost. His motivation pushes me toward writing more. Thanks, Hawk!

Persistence pays off.

As we strategize, our comeback to consistent publishing of content. I am committing to getting back to posting content regularly on our platform gradually. I will also ensure that I am carrying everyone along with what is going on on our platform. So, please, do keep your eyes peeled for more. To our loyal followers, we hope you don’t give up on us. Keep reading and spreading the word about Oaekpost within your circle of influence. And here it is, a statement of what is happening under the Oaekpost hood!

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Editor's Corner

Growth is Oaekpost’s Rallying Point in 2022

Oaekpost is a world on its own! Growing this world is a joint effort of the Oaekpost Founder, Executives, Staff, and Followers. In 2022, our rallying point at Oaekpost is “Growth!” To learn how you can assist us in this growth and development, please, read all about it!

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Photo Credit: Ogbonnaya Agom-Eze

In 2022, our rallying point at Oaekpost is “Growth!” Oaekpost is a positivity and possibility hub. We are a multi-niche platform that adds value to minds, adit valorem ad animis. At Oaekpost, we aim to inform our readers’ minds through your resource-rich, thought-provoking, and value-adding targeted content through our News, Entertainment, and Lifestyle categories and subcategories. In 2022, we are excited about pushing the message of our mission and vision as an organization to the world.

“We need you—our loyal followers—to help us in this value-adding process to reach the world, one content at a time.” — Ogbonnaya Agom-Eze. 

At Oaekpost, we aim to reach a multigenerational audience with a demographic focus on Generation X, Y, Z. We aim to trigger an ongoing dialogue in the subconscious of our readers and followers. We aspire to offer unbiased, insightful opinions on various trends and topics. We want to become a household name and a global catalyst that transforms minds en masse. However, achieving all these goals can never be a solo effort. We want to deliver positive content that adds value to minds. We need you—our loyal followers—to help us in this value-adding process to reach the world, one content at a time. Teamwork via followership is what makes this happen.

Teamwork via followership is what makes this happen.

On February 22, 2022, Oaekpost crossed its one-year milestone since its launch. Our organization has done some numbers. Since launching, the Oaekpost user base has been approximately about 5 million users. We receive traffic from nearly 195 countries. Since the inception of our platform, our user surf data has been around 80 million pageviews. Users have also initiated approximately 18 million sessions. We could not have done these numbers without “you,” our followers and users. So, on behalf of the Oaekpost team, I say a resounding thank you to all our followers. We are here today because of “you.”  

At Oaekpost, we have a robust goal in 2022. The cardinal word that will drive our organization in 2022 is “Growth.” We want to continue to increase. We want to continue to deliver quality content to you, our followers. We want to continue adding value to your minds. For the year, our goals and objectives aim to guide the organization towards content sustainability, profitability, growth (e.g., social media presence boost and global footprint gain), pleasing our customers, and administrative-technical alignment. As stipulated earlier, attaining these goals in 2022 will never be a solo effort—we need our followers to pitch in and help, ceteris paribus. 

Oaekpost Objectives and Key Results (OKR) Summary

 You can support our growth by reading and acting on our article—10 Ways You Can Support Oaekpost—the power of who we are and who we become as a media organization is “you.” There will be no Oaekpost without our users. We celebrate our users and followers every day. We appreciate that you visit our platform daily, weekly, or even monthly. So, you can help us grow in 2022 by reading the value we put out, rating, and commenting on our articles. You can support us by following us on social media, sharing our content, subscribing to our channel on YouTube, and giving to our cause—adding value to minds. 

Growth is Oaekpost’s rallying point in 2022—it is the mindset that drives our goals this year as we aim to achieve every success. We accept that the process will not be without its challenges. However, the Oaekpost leadership and team will continue to show up daily in delivering resource-rich, thought-provoking, and value-adding content to our followers. However, you choose to support us in this growth adventure, we appreciate all our followers for your seamless effort. Your efforts are appreciated, and we say thank you.  

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Editor's Corner

10 Ways You Can Support Oaekpost

Oaekpost is a proprietary multi-niche global news, entertainment, and lifestyle media platform for sharing compelling and resourceful content to educate and add value to minds. Do you wish to support us in any way? Find out various ways you can do so. Please, read all about it.

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Photo Credit: Adobe Stock Photography

Oaekpost is a proprietary multi-niche global news, entertainment, and lifestyle media platform for sharing compelling and resourceful content to educate and add value to minds. Our goal is to improve lives, to add value to minds, one article at a time. Oaekpost is my way of making a difference in the world. By changing the minds of our followers, one piece at a time, we brighten the corners of the world that our reach extends to, all things being equal.

“Oaekpost is a proprietary multi-niche media platform that adds value to minds.”

John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, once famously said, “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country,” meaning that we should always look for ways to be a force that gives back positively. Oaekpost is me giving back value to the universe. It is a leading transformational platform that looks to charismatically change the minds of everyone that makes this place a home to garner value. Our News, Entertainment, and Lifestyle content category sections are fun, easy, and high erudition. 

Help Oaekpost keep growing! Support Oaekpost today!

Our community growth and participation on Oaekpost have been organic and robust. We appreciate all those who regularly come to Oaekpost for their daily and weekly dose of value through our rich content. We are here to ensure that we keep delivering that value to make your day. We continue to add to our team to sustain this value as we acquire more financial resources to help us scale.

Several questions have come from many people in the Oaekpost community asking us how they can support Oaekpost in the adventure of adding value to minds. Some of such questions are as follows: What are the ways that we can help Oaekpost? How can we give back to Oaekpost, which has continued to provide us with value since its launch in February? How can we donate to Oaekpost? Because of these questions and more, I have decided to release this comprehensive editorial take on how you can support Oaekpost, should you choose to do so.  

10 Ways You Can Support Oaekpost

Together we rise! Support Oaekpost today!

As mentioned earlier, our mission is to consistently deliver “value” (i.e., principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is essential in life). The word “value” is something you will forever hear us tote around at Oaekpost because that is what we are, to say the very least. Value drives us—it is the energy that keeps us going. We want to be a plus in the lives of our visitors and readers. We want to see you experience a transformation in your mind.

“You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.” — Sabrina Bryan.

No one, no organization is an island. We all need each other to survive and become the best that we can be. We are here to support the needs of all our visitors by adding value to your minds. We appreciate all the questions that spurred the writing of this piece. So, for those that want to support us, here are some ways you can do so. If you support us via any of these strategies, you will be doing the “World of Value” a whole lot of good. Together we rise. Let’s go:

#1. Read Oaekpost Daily

Reading Oaekpost every day is her habit! Make it your habit too!

To support us on Oaekpost, we want you to become a daily visitor at Oaekpost. Visit daily and read the great content that we have on our site. We are here to deliver value. We are not a gossip website. We are here to provide transformative information that will make you think and ask questions about becoming better. If you already visit Oaekpost daily, we appreciate your visits! If not, let Oaekpost become your daily stop when you wake, during your lunch break, and before going to bed. We promise to keep delivering exciting content that will make a value addict in time and make you feel great. Read Oaekpost daily!

#2. Rate and Comment on Our Articles

Rate and comment on our articles today!

To support Oaekpost, you can rate and comment on our articles. Every article on Oaekpost has a rating function on it. Rating will let us know how we are doing in providing value to you. The comment section creates a community base for Oaekpost. We invite you to comment on our articles and inform us of what you liked or disliked about our articles. Doing this will also guide us on how we can better deliver value to our noble readers. Once again, join the Oaekpost community in a global tête-à-tête by rating and commenting on our value-driven content.

#3. Follow Us on Social Media

Follow Oaekpost on Social Media today!

To support Oaekpost, follow us on our various social media handles. Social media is a powerful tool that has a great lot of influence. In the words of Erik Qualman, American author of Socialnomics, “The power of social media is it forces necessary change.” We are all about changing people’s minds for the better via the content we provide on our website, which we are spreading to the world via our sundry social media handles. Social media is the new hub of the community, and we are all about community at Oaekpost. Our goal is to add value to minds. We must have a strong presence on as many social media platforms as possible to do so effectively.

“The great thing about social media was how it gave a voice to voiceless people.” — Jon Ronson.

So far, we are on several social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Reddit, Gab, etc. As we scale upwards in time, we will continue to expand our social media presence. The more we grow, the further our reach as we extend our voice to the world at large. To support us at Oaekpost, join our growing communities on the various social media platforms below:  

#3.1. Facebook: 
Join Oaekpost on Facebook, Click Here.

To join our Oaekpost Facebook Page, Click Here. 

To join the Oaekpost Community Group, Click Here.   

#3.2. Instagram: 
Join Oaekpost on Instagram, Click Here. 

To join our Instagram Community, Click Here.  

#3.3. LinkedIn:
Join Oaekpost on LinkedIn, Click Here. 

To join our Oaekpost LinkedIn Community, Click Here.

#3.4. Twitter:
Join Oaekpost on Twitter, Click Here. 

To join our Oaekpost Twitter Community, Click Here. 

#3.5. Reddit:
Join Oaekpost on Reddit, Click Here. 

To join our Oaekpost Reddit Community, Click Here. 

#3.6. Gab:
Join Oaekpost on Gab, Click Here. 

To join our Oaekpost Gab Community, Click Here. 

“Humans are social beings, and we are happier, and better when connected to others.” — Paul Bloom.

We hope to keep growing our social media presence on other platforms. As we do so, we will keep updating this article. Our Oaekpost teams are doing a fascinating job on our social media platforms. Please, do consider joining the conversation and support us by following us on our social media platforms. Doing so will help us scale.

#4. Share Our Articles on Social Media

To support Oaekpost—Like! Share! Follow Us!

We appreciate you for deciding to follow our social media pages. However, to further support Oaekpost, we crave your kind and debonair indulgence to share and re-share any article on our platform that speaks to you. Help us change the world of minds, one piece of value at a time by sharing our content. You have the power to help us spread the words of value on our platform via the power of a click—share and re-share our work within your circle of influence. From all in the Oaekpost camp, we say thank you as you do so.

#5. Subscribe to Our Upcoming Shows

Support Oaekpost by subscribing to our YouTube Channel today. Click Here. 

Oaekpost is growing. We ask you to follow us on YouTube, Click Here. We are in the process of working on some exciting shows (e.g., News, Entertainment, and Lifestyle) never seen on YouTube. We will not spill the beans and ruin the surprise! Trust me; the Oaekpost Team members are surging forward on all cylinders working on these shows. You don’t want to miss out on them when we debut them. So, join our channel as we anticipate all the loads of goodness coming to our minds soon via YouTube, Click Here.  

#6. Give to Oaekpost

Support Oaekpost by giving to us! To give to Oaekpost, use our GoFundMe page, Click Here.

To support Oaekpost, you can give to our value-adding cause of adding value to minds on a global scale via our Oaekpost GoFundMe Page. Many people in the Oaekpost Community have been asking us how they can donate financially to the cause of providing value to our community. We do not have a donation button on our platform. However, you can give to our cause via our Oaekpost GoFundMe Page.

“No hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me.” — Colonel Sanders.

Our goal is to continue to add value to minds via our content. To continue doing so on a full scale, we must continue to expand our organization—staffing, projects, and operational costs of keeping Oaekpost afloat to keep delivering value to you, our loyal followers in our Oaekpost community. Executing all the things we have in mind in this journey of serving you is capital intensive. The more we increase our finances, the more we scale our value offerings. 

You can make a difference by giving to Oaekpost to support us! To give to Oaekpost, use our GoFundMe page, Click Here.

Like Colonel Sanders said in the quote above, “No hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me.” At Oaekpost, we hitch our commitment to giving you our very best all the time. Financial resources are a catalyst to keep our doors of value open to the world. So, once again, you can support Oaekpost by giving to our cause. To do so, go to our Oaekpost GoFundMe Page.

#7. Advertise on Oaekpost

Support Oaekpost by advertising with us! To advertise with us, Contact Us.

To support Oaekpost, advertise with us today! Our numbers at Oaekpost say it all! Since launching Oaekpost on February 26, 2021, we have been experiencing astronomical growth. For instance, from our launch date to the time of this writing, we have garnered over 15 million sessions (i.e., the browsing session of a single user on Oaekpost); and over 50 million pageviews (i.e., a view of a page on Oaekpost that is being tracked by the Google Analytics tracking code). The growth is constant and organic. By the time you read this piece, the stipulated numbers above will already be old. The average session duration of 3 minutes 12 seconds, which has steadily been on the rise. Our bounce rate is steadily reducing, return users are at an all-time high, etc. 

According to Wordometer, there are 195 countries in the world. From our country report on Google Analytics, we receive regular visits from users from 187 countries—approximately 96% of all the nations on earth. These are just some of the information from our data analytics compilation. The mind-blowing thing is that all these have happened in just six months—the more reason you should be calling Oaekpost now to cash into our growing community to advertise now! Please don’t wait; to advertise with us, Contact Us !

#8. Invest in Oaekpost

Support Oaekpost by investing in us! Let Oaekpost become your nest egg today! We are a golden egg opportunity of your tomorrow’s wealth and a chance to be rich, ceteris paribus!

To support Oaekpost, invest in us today! Oaekpost offers a vast earning potential to yield a high return on investment (ROI) to all future investors. Just being modest, we project to hit over 30 million sessions and more than 150 million pageviews by the time Oaekpost turns one year on February 26, 2022. We are working assiduously to maintain our vast global reach, making Oaekpost a future advertising hub for enterprise organizations and businesses wishing to reach our community and network of dedicated followers. 

“When you plant something, you invest in a beautiful future amidst a stressful, chaotic, and, at times, downright appalling world.” — Monty Don.

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The Battle of the Clicks and Bricks – Who Wins?

We currently live in a digital age, and E-commerce companies are doing everything possible to win the market share of online consumers. Retail transactions are now being conducted at the speed of a click.

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Photo: Adobe Stock Photography

There is a vast global war going on between brick-and-mortar companies and online companies. Technology is currently developing at a breakneck pace, and many consumers are now harnessing the potential of these technologies and using them to shop for their basic needs. We currently live in a digital age, and E-commerce companies are doing everything possible to win online consumers’ market share. Retail transactions are now being conducted at the speed of a click. Consumers are forever seeking ways to make their shopping experience super easy. All these changes are happening right before our eyes. Things we could only have imagined yesterday have become the sure realities of our today.

Who knows what technological mysteries that tomorrow will unfold? Come to think of it, Amazon received its FAA approval for their Prime Air drone delivery fleet service as written by Annie Palmer on CNBC. Soon, maybe AIs will be knocking on our doors to deliver our purchased products after we buy them virtually. Or, maybe, the sci-fi life of Star Trek, “Beam me up, Scotty!” Would be the way of traveling and sending packages across the world—who knows the possibilities of tomorrow?

The war between brick-and-mortar retail and E-commerce has gone from just warming up to red hot fierce. In this battle, there has be casualty companies that could not stand the heat leading to many closures. More is yet to come as the future unfolds. The E-commerce and brick-and-mortar war continues to rage; a battle between “bricks and clicks.”

Brick-and-mortar Companies

Clothes display in a brick-and-mortar fashion store

In the United States, an ample number of store chains and local stores that were started between 1920’s and 1950s have become defunct since the late 1960s. Many of the stores were either liquidated or consolidated as others were declared bankrupt and gone out of business. One of the brick-and-mortar retail companies still pushing onward to stand is Wal-Mart whereas other defunct retailers such as Circuit City are coming back as online stores. The brick-and-mortar store went bankrupt only to be revived online. Furthermore, some bookstores (e.g., Borders Books and Music, HastingsEntertainment, Crown Books, Encore Books, Atlantic Books, etc.) have closed after consumers change their reading habits. With today’s technology, instead of people buying books at a brick-and-mortar bookstore such as Borders, many have chosen to buy books online as other goes for downloading digital prose.

Online stores are fast edging out brick-and-mortar companies in the retail business. As mentioned above, one of the giants still standing in the battle field is Wal-Mart, Inc. Its almost becoming a dual battle between two main giants—Amazon and Wal-Mart. The giant online store Amazon is fierce in its operations—literally using innovation, technology, and the power of the cloud to demolish all that stands in its way. They provide the same products without paying local taxes and other complications faced by physical brick-and-mortar retail stores. However, Wal-Mart is in dead pursuit of the Amazon giant as it maneuvers to become more flexible as it innovates not to lose its retail competitive edge. The Targets, Albertsons, Dollar Generals, 7-Elevens, etc are also trying to evolve to stay alive in the fierce battle of the clicks and bricks.

E-Commerce Companies

Online Vs. Physical Store—what is the best retail shopping outlet for finding or buying goods, products and merchandise

E-Commerce companies across the world have enabled many consumers to buy goods more efficiently through the Internet. Products are purchased and delivered on time to customers, which is very convenient and reliable when compared to taking a shopping trip to the local store. The E-Commerce retail companies refer to companies that are rising and using technology to effectively and efficiently run their business operations. Some of these companies include Alibaba Group,, eBay, Shopify,, Rakuten, and Flipkart. Speaking of Flipkart, in trying to stay on top as a big player in retail, Wal-Mart acquired 77% of Flipkart for $16 billion-the world’s largest ecommerce deal. In trying to stay relevant, Wal-Mart has made many other acquisitions—all trying to battle Amazon.

In most cases, E-commerce retail companies are operated in major cities across the world including in the United States, China, India, Britain and many others. Therefore, E-commerce companies are striving to be the best in comparison to their on ground competition. Generally, they provide product descriptions and videos online. Consumers who have interest in these products view the goods and purchase them if it appeals to them. These customers have their products delivered sometimes on the same day or tops a couple of days down the road, and this is an added advantage for the E-commerce retail companies.

E-commerce Edge Over Brick-and-Mortar

ECommerce pulls a lot of weight

Many E-commerce giants such as Amazon have drastically disrupted the market. The phrase, “the age of Amazon” has become the buzz in every home on a global scale. Traditional shipping companies were struggling, however, with the growth of E-commerce companies, deliveries to residences have increased year after year. In a close look at today’s consumers, they desire fast and affordable shipping for quality products. Hence, they turn to E-commerce retailers instead of the brick-and-mortar retailers who are likely to charge more. Furthermore, E-commerce companies offer residential, holiday, large packages, and long distance deliveries at affordable rates across the world and in this case, clients can continually buy more goods online and have them delivered to their doorsteps. In recent times, many Americans have gotten used to products being delivered to their homes including furniture and even groceries. The E-commerce market keeps growing and winning over many brick-and-mortar companies while forcing others to adapt to the new system to sell goods online.

Strategically, E-commerce companies such as Amazon are securing storage containers in different apartments in some cities where customers can pick their packages after they are dropped by delivery drivers. The system has improved delivery efficiency because dropping packages in one parcel locker saves time and resources rather than delivering to ten doorstops. The system has helped Amazon deliver ten times more packages in a short time. Also, they have adapted drone systems in different countries where items ordered online are delivered in times as short as thirty minutes. As we saw above, Amazon has secured its FAA permit to deliver by drones her in the United States. However, they are still carrying out tests to perfect this service before mass launch.

The emergence of COVID-19 in the Fall of 2019 helped E-Commerce companies to increase their market share astronomically. For instance, Amazon is reeling in billions of dollars and is becoming stronger than ever during this pandemic period. As a result of social distancing and the global lockdown of 2020, Amazon and many delivery service companies became the essential workers that delivered purchased products to customers. Wal-Mart grew strong in these times as they got sold out of survival essentials daily. This was bricks flexing its muscles as they own close to 5000 stores just in the continental United States. This has also triggered Amazon to compete against Wal-Mart by making its own acquisitions and pushing to start building brick-and-mortar stores across the United States.

It is evident that E-commerce companies is winning in many aspects of this war over brick-and-mortar retailers leaving many of them on the verge of bankruptcy. However, the likes of Wal-Mart are leveraging the power of the bricks to stand and fight the Amazon and E-Commerce rage. Correspondingly, E-Commerce companies have attracted more customers by delivering high-quality goods in a short period of time. E-commerce companies are striving to be the best. As a result, they are upgrading their systems, which enables them to offer better services to their customers. Struggling brick-and-mortar retail companies should consider adopting new methods of marketing in order to retain their businesses and market share. Improved means of transportation and communication will make it all possible. We sit and watch what the future will unfold as it pertains to this global retail struggle in the battle of the clicks and bricks.

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